Kakinada Vedaprakash
Personal Profile
Professional Information
1.Improving the performance of pv system by using fuzzy logic control and sepic converter under partial shading conditions., international journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology.ISSN2391-8753, volume6,issue .8(2017)
2.Control of PMSM using nuero-Fuzzy based svpwm technique, international journal of innovative research in science, engineering and technology,ISSN,volume5,issue.11(2017)
3.Envinsion of solar photovoltaic module para meter using AI technique.international journal of innovative research in technology,ISSN-2349-6002
4.A review on control of the under water vehicles.internatiomal journal of scientific research and management,ISSN-25823930,issue5,volume5.
1.International conference on,communication and aerospace technology-2020
2.International conference on IoT based control networks and intelligent systems-2020
2.International Association of engineers (IAENG)
3.Institute for engineering research(IFERP)
Projects & Others
1.PSO Based PV for maximum power tracking
2.Power quality improvement using Facts devices in power system.
3.PV system cascaded with sepic converter for dc loads.